Tuesday, October 29, 2024

2º Security Issue- Unreliable Wi-Fi

My brother always uses public libraries conections to do his online works. He has an important job and manage sensible information about clients and business. I think this is not a good idea to use public wi-fi connections to do so… What do you think and why…

Most of the population believes that public wifis are safe, but they are quite the opposite. By exposing yourself to that many people there is a high probability that they will get into your personal data. In this example, the personal data of other people is also exposed.
1. A VPN encrypts your Internet connection, protecting transmitted data and making online activity much harder to track, even when using public Wi-Fi. 
2. It is essential that you use a personal device, which is updated with the latest security patches, instead of using a public or shared computer. 
3. To prevent problems you should have good antivirus software and an activated firewall. 
4. You can encrypt sensitive files so that even if someone manages to access the devices, they can't read the data. 
5. You can use tools that monitor network connections and devices to detect suspicious activity. 

To know more, I leave you this link to find out about the damage this can cause.


  1. The activity is good but maybe she can write about the problem in more details. The links with information about the problem or solutions are missing. She have 5 tips so is good. Good job Lucía!

  2. It's good!, but you don't put any photo or video of that, you can improve that.


Mosaic Of Photos With Colour Effects

  I have changed the size of all the images in gimp and in the same app I have joined all the photos in a collage.